
Hola!  Welcome to our blog space!  We are three siblings with three personalities, some similarities, some differences and a lot going on.  We grew up in North Carolina, but now live far apart and do not see each other as often as we would like.  We started this blog as a way to stay connected with each other, family and friends along with creating a space in which we can share the happenings of our lives.


Here you will find whatever random musings we wish to share along with things we are passionate about including but not limited to family, mommyhood, travel, lifestyle, and fitness.

Fun facts about us:

Do you have any nicknames?

KR: No

SR: Negative

DR: Nahh

When is your birthday?  What is your Zodiac Sign? And where were you born?

KR: December 12, 1984/Sagittarius/Colorado Springs, CO

SR: July 1, 1986/Cancer/Comayagua, Honduras

DR: October 15, 1990/Libra/Gastonia, NC

Do you have a favorite sport?

KR: I like to play volleyball.  The Hoch likes soccer, football, hockey and baseball so I will watch most sports and am always down to go to a sporting event.

SR: Throw a ball at me and I am going duck… No seriously, I’m a Carolina Panthers fan and could get into some football thanks to Jaisen for teaching me what the heck a 2nd down means etc etc..

DR: I like them all for the most part but would much rather play than warm the couch.

What is your favorite Holiday?

KR: Thanksgiving, I.love.food. And family time 🙂 Halloween is second.

SR: It used to be my birthday (hahahah)… but now that I have a baby, it’s all of them. Christmas this year was especially exceptional. I imagine the joy intensifying with each passing year.

DR: Any holiday that brings my family and food together

Right of Left-handed?

KR: Lefty when I eat, write etc. Righty when I throw.

SR: Right handed

DR: Right

What is your favorite quote?

KR: “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” -George Addair

SR: “I find pieces of myself everywhere, and I cut myself handing them.” -Jeanette Winterson

DR: “Find what you love and let it kill you.” (Bukowski)

What is your favorite movie quote?

KR: One of the my fav funny ones is “Boo, you whore” – Mean Girls

SR: “Where to Miss?” -Jack “The stars..”-Rose

DR: “I’ll be back.” – Schwarzenegger

What annoys you?

KR: Anything when I am hangry.  Top thing would be when people do not leave my things how they found them.

SR: A debbie downer

DR: negativity

Favorite Food?

KR: Fried egg anything.  Oh and icecream.

SR: Chocolate

DR: Peanut butter

Any pets?

KR: Not right now, but I am a dog person.

SR: na

DR: my sisters

How tall are you?

KR: 5′-8″

SR: 5′-10″

DR: 6′-1″

Describe your personality?

KR:  For the most part I am pretty chill and go with the flow.  I don’t like drama.  I am quiet when you first meet me.  I dislike being wrong, but am working on it.  I am pretty gullible.  I am goofy.  Slapstick makes me laugh out loud.

SR: I’m good people 🙂

DR: Grateful and weird

Scariest thing you’ve done lately?

KR: I was DD one rainy night and forgot my eyeglasses.  My eyes aren’t horrible, but I really dislike driving at night without glasses.  I think the entire car felt the tension.

SR: Had a baby. And the fact that every decision I make directly affects my baby is pretty scary in itself.

DR: Fasted for 7 days

Something that makes you happy?

KR: Snapchats from my niece, Evelet, always make me smile.  I also like to plan trips and as cliche as it sounds, working out makes me feel good.  I love Latin dancing.  Oh and a full fridge.

SR: My baby, good company, dancing, art of all mediums. I get lost in photography and reading quotes. Jaisen’s impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger makes me laugh every time. And the way the sun rises onto the lake I pass every morning on the way to work always puts me in a better mood.

DR: My family/friends, nature, exercise and real food.

Read more about KimberlyStephanie and David in the individual about pages.


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